Green Roof Constructed By Leiyuan

| December 9, 2014

Green Roofs are becoming increasingly popular and important for flat roof design in the world. Traditionally more common in Europe, green roofs are now seen as a major part of how contractors build and present flat spaces. Drainage sheeting is an important component in the complete green roof system. Leiyuan Drainage sheet can be used in roof garden […]

Benefits of Green Roofs

| April 22, 2014

Green roofs reduce stormwater runoff by absorbing and retaining the water in the soil medium for plant growth, rather than piping all water directly into a storm sewer system. Results of an evaluation of green roofs in the Seattle area found that green roofs reduced rainwater runoff from 65 to 94 percent. A green roof […]

Why Build Green Roofs?

| April 14, 2014

Green Roofs are roofs that are substantially covered with living plants. Although historical and archaeological evidence suggests that green roofs have been built for more than three thousand years, widespread acceptance has always been limited by the structural cost of supporting heavy soils and by the technical challenges of low-slope waterproofing. Recent advances in membrane […]

Leiyuan Greening Solution – A leading provider of vertical Green Walls.

| March 25, 2014

We have all heard about green roofs and know about their environmental advantages, but there is a new concept that is taking root, especially in urban environments: green walls or living walls. Better than the old ivy-covered buildings, which can be adversely affected by the vines, these walls are designed to feature a variety of […]

Green Roof System with Drainage Plates.

| March 14, 2014

Drainage plates is a type of Green Roof Systems which are drained by waffled plastic sheets. Water is retained within pockets on the upper sides of the drainage plates; excess water spills over the edges of the plates and is carried off the roof. Since drainage plates are lightweight and easy to install, they have […]