A New Rain Tank Designed By Leiyuan

| November 25, 2014

Archaeologists tell us that rain tanks and cisterns have been around since the bronze age. They are still a major part of urban infrastructure in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and the Caribbean. Despite their prime advantage of using stormwater as a resource rather than something to be disposed of, they are currently not much of a […]

Features of Rainwater Tank Module

| November 2, 2014

Leiyuan Rainwater Tank Modules are suited to any subsurface infiltration, retention or detention Stormwater applications. Manufactured using recycled materials, the Tank Modules are lightweight, engineered design, structural component developed through research & development. It is ideally used for the construction of underground Infiltration, Reuse, Detention Tanks, Grass Swale, Subsurface interception channels, Septic Leach Drains and light weight void […]

What is Rainwater Harvesting?

| October 29, 2014

Water is a valuable resource and rainwater harvesting plays an important role in sustainable development. Because of this, Leiyuan’s rainwater harvesting systems are increasingly included in the standard specification of new buildings. Rainwater harvesting is a beautifully simple concept: collect the rainwater that falls on your roof, store it on site, filter and re-use it […]

Popular Tips on Saving Water

| October 20, 2014

There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing you have saved a fortune on a rainy day; Rainwater is free, pure, soft and plants love it; Replace power showers with aerated ones; Mulch your bare soil areas to slow down evaporation; Power shower uses more water than a deep bath; Wait until the dishwasher is full before […]

Why Harvest Rainwater?

| October 8, 2014

The earth is known as the Blue Planet for a reason, it’s no surprise that water is a dominant part of our everyday lives. The worlds current challenge is to improve the planet’s water quality and then maintain clean and healthy water that supports all life forms in our diverse environment. Harvesting rainwater is a […]