Lawn Grid – Great Choice for Parking

| May 21, 2014

Leiyuan Lawn grid turf stabilizer is a great choice for low-impact parking. A beautiful, sustainable and economical solution to manage stormwater and reduce heat island effects in public places, parking and traffic areas. Parking lots, access roads, and driveways installed with Leiyuan lawn grid are stabilized so turf can grow, with no ruts or  sinking, and […]

Instructions on How to Construct A Green Roof

| April 29, 2014

There are many designs you can use to construct a green roof to use landscaping (or rather roofscaping) for natural insulation. The layer of water-retentive soil and roots as well as a layer of green growth will insulate from both heat and  cold better than most any other type of roofing. Plus the area being […]

Why Build Green Roofs?

| April 14, 2014

Green Roofs are roofs that are substantially covered with living plants. Although historical and archaeological evidence suggests that green roofs have been built for more than three thousand years, widespread acceptance has always been limited by the structural cost of supporting heavy soils and by the technical challenges of low-slope waterproofing. Recent advances in membrane […]