Why Choose Green Roof Design?

| June 4, 2015

The concepts and benefits of green roof construction are beginning to be more and more widely known by folks in forward thinking communities. Why this new method of covering the top portion of a house or residential building can become increasingly popular? One reason is because of the important ecological benefits of green roofs, another […]

Instructions on How to Construct A Green Roof

| April 29, 2014

There are many designs you can use to construct a green roof to use landscaping (or rather roofscaping) for natural insulation. The layer of water-retentive soil and roots as well as a layer of green growth will insulate from both heat and  cold better than most any other type of roofing. Plus the area being […]

Green Roof System with Drainage Plates.

| March 14, 2014

Drainage plates is a type of Green Roof Systems which are drained by waffled plastic sheets. Water is retained within pockets on the upper sides of the drainage plates; excess water spills over the edges of the plates and is carried off the roof. Since drainage plates are lightweight and easy to install, they have […]